Greetings, we are the new group 3 from norway and we're starting the new project commenuis and we would like to tell you about ourselfs!
Martin T. Tvedt: Greetings, my name is Martin, and i'm a 19 year old boy from Bergen Norway. In my spare time i like to hang out with my friends, girlfriend and be on the computer, i also like all sorts of activites, not very much running and walking tough. I like most music and i go to Arna VGS.
Henriette Holme: Hello, my name is Henriette, i'm a 16 year old girl from Bergen, Norway. In my spare time i'm with friends and nothing more. I like most music that's on the toplist, and i go to Arna VGS.
Suzanne Klovning Hatlestad: Hello, my name is Suzanne, im a 16 year old girl from Bergen Norway. In my spare time i do Riding, football and fishing. I go to Arna VGS. I like all kind of music! Thats about it.
cecilie: my name is cecilie, and i am 16 years old, and from Bergen , Norway. on my spare time i am with my friends and sleeep alot! i go to arna vgs! i like ll kind of music!
and the last picture of all of us!